Uchû keiji Gyaban: The Movie
Fifteen years ago, three childhood friends, Geki, Sherry and Okuma, were star-gazing and became inspired to go into space. As adults, Geki and Okuma join a mission to Mars, but their space shuttle goes missing before they could reach their destination. A year later, a monster attacks and a mysterious silver-colored warrior appears.
Views: 207
Genre: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction
Director: Osamu Kaneda
Actors: Hiroaki Iwanaga, Honoka, Ijirî Okada, Kenji Ohba, Riki Miura, Sanae Hitomi, Suzuka Morita, Takuya Nagaoka, Toshiaki Nishizawa, Yukari Taki, Yûma Ishigaki
Keywords:Uchû keiji Gyaban: The Movie