The OceanMaker
The OceanMaker is a 9-minute animated short film that takes place after Earth’s oceans have disappeared. It tells the tale of one courageous pilot who fights against vicious sky pirates for control of the last remaining source of water: the clouds.
Star Wars: Destroyer
Victory may lead to disaster when X-Wing pilots disable a star destroyer sending it towards a nearby planet.
Static Codes
A man’s wife was abducted by aliens ten years ago during a car accident which left him paralyzed from the waist down. Given up on life, he has become consumed…
The Rift
An experimental submarine, the “Siren II”, with a very experienced crew is sent to find out what happened to the “Siren I” after it mysteriously dissapeared in a submarine rift….
Bullet Proof
The Thief pulls off the robbery of a lifetime when he robs the psychotic drug lord, Temple. The plan goes off without a hitch until the Thief discovers a stowaway…