A dramatic tale of golf and humans, set on the beautiful Tokara Islands. Igarashi has thrown away his past and fled society, relocating to Hinoshima Island. Here, on “Japan’s last hidden paradise,” he meets Tonbo, the island’s only middle schooler. To his surprise, this girl harbors an extraordinary talent for golf!? This encounter marks the beginning of a significant change in their destinies.
Views: 3
Genre: Animation, Drama, Sport
Actors: Hiroki Tôchi, Hiroki Touchi, Jun'ya Enoki, Rika Hayashi
Studio: BS TV Tokyo, Golf Digest, Happinet Phantom Studios, Kochi Shinkin Bank, OLM, REMOW, Shogakukan, Shogakukan Music & Digital Entertainment, Shogakukan-Shueisha Productions, SLOW TIDE, Toho, TV Tokyo, TV Tokyo Direct