In an alternate fantasy world, the Demon King reigns with a formidable army led by his Four Heavenly Kings. One happens to be Uchimura Denosuke, a normal salaryman unexpectedly plucked…
Republic of Doyle is a Canadian comedy-drama television series set in St. John’s, Newfoundland which debuted 6 January 2010 on CBC Television. The show stars Seán McGinley and Allan Hawco…
Driven by the fact that there are few things more dangerous than a prisoner who has just escaped, and tired of following protocol and resorting to outdated methods of law…
Showcasing the most compelling crimes of yesteryear, when secrets festered, passions ran wild and cops had nothing but shoe-leather and gut instinct to catch a killer. Fashions may change but…
A tight-knit group of best friends and family helps Wade embrace his “new normal” in the wake of the loss of his wife. As a sometimes ill-equipped but always devoted…
Join RuPaul, the world’s most famous drag queen, as the host, mentor and judge for the ultimate in drag queen competitions. The top drag queens in the U.S. will vie…