Lego Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures
Set between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, The Freemaker Adventures centers on a family of three young siblings—young boy Rowan, his sister Kordi, and their brother Zander—known as the Freemakers, who salvage parts from destroyed or damaged ships which they use to build new ones, which they sell in order to make their living. They are accompanied by their salvaged battle droid Roger.
Views: 294
Genre: Action, Animation, Comedy, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Director: Bill Motz, Bob Roth, Carrie Beck
Actors: Dana Snyder, Danny Jacobs, Eugene Byrd, Greg Baldwin, Grey DeLisle, Grey Griffin, James Patrick Stuart, John DiMaggio, Kevin Michael Richardson, Matt Sloan, Matthew Wood, Nicolas Cantu, Thomas Lennon, Trevor Devall, Vanessa Lengies, Venessa Lengies