Wheel of Fortune is an American television game show created by Merv Griffin. The show features a competition in which contestants solve word puzzles, similar to those used in Hangman,…
Explores the phenomenon of phrogging – people secretly living inside someone else’s home and features two first-hand accounts of survivors sharing the most skin-crawling, twisted and truly terrifying stories imaginable….
Refugees from a war-torn country start showing up to seek asylum in an American town. Only the country these people are from is America and the war they are fleeing…
Explorers delve into the Amazon’s ecosystems, from mangroves to pink dolphins and Andean bears, highlighting conservation challenges and offering solutions to protect this crucial freshwater resource.
Billy and Cody LeFever dream of a new life and move to “The Bakken” in North Dakota, booming after the biggest oil discovery in American history. They’re soon pitted against…