GOSICK -ゴシック-

Gosick is a Japanese light novel series by Kazuki Sakuraba, published by Fujimi Shobo. Set in a fictional European country in 1924, a Japanese exchange student meets a mysterious, brilliant girl who only leaves the library to sleep. Her brother, a detective, relies on her exceptional mind to solve difficult mysteries.

Tokyopop released the first novel in the series in English in April 2008 and the second in March 2010. The series has been published in Germany by Tokyopop since November 2006. A manga adaptation started serialization in the shōnen manga magazine Monthly Dragon Age on December 9, 2007. An anime adaptation by Bones premiered on January 7, 2011. Crunchyroll simulcasted the animation during its Japanese broadcast and continues to webcast it. At Otakon 2011 Bandai Entertainment announced that they would release the series in North America. In January 2012 Bandai Entertainment announced that they will withdraw from the North American market, and GOSICK’s North American release was cancelled.

TV Status: Ended

Duration: 25 min


TMDb: 7.3

