Endgame is a Canadian drama television series that premiered on the Showcase Television network on Monday, March 14, 2011. The series is developed and produced by Thunderbird Films. The series follows former World Chess Champion Arkady Balagan, a genius who uses his analytical skills to solve crimes.
The show starts three months after the death of Balagan’s fiancée Rosemary, where Balagan has developed agoraphobia. Balagan uses those faculties he honed playing chess to help him solve cases.
In the United States, the series is broadcast exclusively on Hulu.
Views: 213
Genre: Action & Adventure, Crime, Drama
Director: Avrum Jacobson
Actors: Carmen Aguirre, Colin Lawrence, Gary Gill, Katharine Isabelle, Lisa Ray, Melanie Papalia, Patrick Gallagher, Shawn Doyle, Torrance Coombs, Veena Sood