In a world plagued by creatures known as Kaiju, Kafka Hibino aspired to enlist in The Defense Force. He makes a promise to enlist with his childhood friend, Mina Ashiro….
Drawn from interviews with survivors of Easy Company, as well as their journals and letters, Band of Brothers chronicles the experiences of these men from paratrooper training in Georgia through…
Every year, thousands of young dog handlers and their canine BFF’s enter the Junior Showmanship ring hoping to take home a coveted win. Follow them as they get closer to…
With little in common but their refusal to let their disabilities define them, entrepreneurs Qiana, Collette, Chris and Lexi meet to discuss the challenges they face in their divergent businesses.
The spirited and impulsive Charlotte Heywood moves from her rural home to Sanditon, a fishing village attempting to reinvent itself as a seaside resort.
There’s nothing that bonds a group of single black women together more than sidestepping the land mines of living, working and dating in Atlanta. In a sea of swipe-lefts, social…