Blossoms Shanghai
Set against the backdrop of massive economic growth in the 1990s, the story follows A Bao, a self-made millionaire and his journey from being a young opportunist with a troubled past to accumulating dazzling wealth in the city of Shanghai. It also follows his entanglement with four women who represent the pursuits of his life: adventure, honour, love and innocence.
Views: 3
Genre: Drama
Director: Wong Kar-wai
Actors: Chen Guoqing, Chen Long, Chloe Maayan, Deon Dai, Deric Wan, Dong Yong, Fan Tiantian, Fang Zhiyi, Ge Hu, Hu Ge, Huang Jue, Jiang Yilei, Liang Cheng, Ma Yili, Mak Cheung-Ching, Miura Kenichi, Qiu Bichang, Ryan Zheng Kai, Shen Xiaohai, Sun Qiang, Tang Yan, Tong Chenjie, Wang Ju, Wu Yue, Xin Zhilei, Yan Tang, Yan Xiaopin, Yang Haoyu, Yi He, Yi Zhaobo, Yili Ma, You Benchang, Yu Entai, Yuan Wenkang, Yumiko Cheng, Zhu Yin
Studio: Blossoms Island, Jet Tone Films, Shanghai Film Group, Tencent Penguin Pictures