Attack on Titan: Junior High
The story follows Eren Yeager and Mikasa Ackerman entering Titan Jr. High, a school where humans and Titans study in the same area in coexistence. Because of a “traumatic” event, where the Colossal Titan ate his lunch back in middle school, Eren hates the Titans, and is constantly trying to find a way to rid the earth of their kind. Because of this, he has a hard time making friends, much to Mikasa’s worry.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Director: Midori Goto, Yoshihide Ibata
Actors: Caitlin Glass, Christopher Corey Smith, Hiro Shimono, Hiroshi Kamiya, Kishô Taniyama, Marina Inoue, Patrick Seitz, Romi Park, Todd Haberkorn, Vic Mignogna, Yû Kobayashi, Yui Ishikawa, Yûki Kaji, Yuuki Kaji