American Gangster: Trap Queens is a new installment of the critically acclaimed American Gangster series that examines the lives and the legend behind some of America’s most notorious female criminals.
A divorcing, overworked teacher finds herself drawn into a cold case after a dating app matches her with a man she suspects is the adult version of a boy abducted…
NYC’s biggest influencers offer a glimpse into their creative worlds, business dealings and personal lives as they do what it takes to rise to the top and make their impact.
Blue-collar plumber, Joe Washington, discovers his recently deceased father lived a secret, second life and stole millions of dollars from dangerous people just before he died. Now those people think…
An exotic dancer with a powerful voice rises from the pole to the pulpit, forcing the reigning queen of gospel to guard her family and its many secrets.
Marilyn “Madam” DeVille is at the top of her game in the Atlanta nightclub industry, and she won’t let anyone or anything stand her in way as she rules a…
This dramedy follows four longtime friends as they navigate life and relationships through the strength of their brother-like bond. In a society where relationships between men of color are often…
A spinoff of “The Oval,” follows Ruth Truesdale as she’s forced to play nice with a scandalous religious cult of powerful sex crazed fanatics in the hopes of freeing herself…
Follow three women who band together after their first marriages fall apart, and who find strength in their sisterhood- and of course a little revenge. Based on the 1996 film.