This sports anime is set in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture, and follows a team of girls as they aim for the top in the sport of ice hockey. It’s about…
Sudou Kaname, an ordinary high school student, receives an invitation email to try a mysterious app called “Darwin’s Game.” Kaname, upon launching the app, is drawn into a game where…
Alcohol, smoking, and stress—in the body subjected to these irritants, the cells responsible for maintaining life seem to fight a war that never ends. Due to a severe shortage of…
Six childhood friends make a vow one day to become treasure hunters, and eventually grow to be the strongest heroes in the world. During his first quest, Krai Andrey realizes…
Normally, people choose to become adventurers in their teens. At 30 years old, Rick Gladiator bucks the trend by leaving his job as a guild clerk to become an adventurer….