Story follows young man Strahinja who is in love with a local beauty Radojka, but their relationship has an obstacle – her father Zivan, who considers Strahinja as nothing but a loser. To prove that he’s able to take care of himself and his future bride, Strahinja agrees to take vacancy in village mill… But, mill is known as a place where no one meets the dawn alive…
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Director: Djordje Kadijevic, Đorđe Kadijević
Actors: Aleksandar Stojkovic, Bogoljub Petrovic, Branko Petkovic, Ivan Djurdjevic, Mirjana Nikolic, Petar Bozovic, Slobodan 'Cica' Perovic, Tanasije Uzunovic, Toma Kuruzovic, Vasja Stankovic