Gorre Puranam
The story revolves around a sheep that becomes entangled in a conflict between two communities, with an underlying religious tension.
Bad Parents
A suburban mom relives her season with the soccer obsessed sports parents whose outrageous “win at all costs” behavior spirals out of control.
Incest Death Squad
A reporter follows an incestuous brother and sister who kill tourists in the name of God.
Luc Van Tien: Kung Fu Warrior
Nguyen stars as the historical hero Lục Vân Tiên, who is magically (and unexplainably) transported to future Vietnam. He befriends a scammer Teo (Huu Tien) who attempts to use Lục…
The Challenger
Two top class kung fu fighters challenge all the top kung fu masters in the land, one motivated by revenge, the other by greed. The two fighters team up to…
Holy Water
The village of Kilcoulins Leap was once a thriving spa town, and was home to a famous Holy Well, but now offers little by way of employment for its people,…
Crazy About Her
After a magical night together, Adri voluntarily turns himself into the psychiatric institution where Carla lives.
The Farmer’s Daughter
After leaving her family’s farm to study nursing in the city, a young woman finds herself on an unexpected path towards politics.
The Way of the Bug
A young man from a rural village travels a long way to meet his long-lost grandfather on his deathbed, only to find himself taking over the large triad enterprise his…
Love & Debt
When you’re up to neck in debt…it’s not about the money. A drama full of the comedy of life. A story for our times that examines the durability of marriage…