Dolphin Tale 2
The team of people who saved Winter’s life reassemble in the wake of her surrogate mother’s passing in order to find her a companion so she can remain at the Clearwater Marine Hospital.
Keywords:Delfiini lugu 2 Delfines kaland 2. der Delfin 2 Dostlugun Gücü: Umut el delfín 2 Gutten og delfinen 2 Histoire de dauphin 2 Iсторiя дельфiна 2 L'incredibile storia di Winter il delfino 2 L'Incroyable Histoire de Winter le dauphin 2 La gran aventura de Winter el delfín 2 Mein Freund Mój przyjaciel delfin 2: Ocalic Mandy o Golfinho 2 Prica o dupinu 2 Sipouro shel dolphin 2 Winter Winter - El delfín 2 История дельфина 2 Историята на един делфин 2