This documentary film follows the lives of two drag queens Laveau Contraire and Franky Canga as they prepare for a weekend of New Orleans’ queer celebration of identity, Southern Decadence.
A provocative and rare glimpse at the most iconic luxury jeweler in the world. From past to present, discovering the behind the scenes creation to those beholden to its charm,…
Given the unique privilege to preserve a relic belonging to his hero Ernest Shackleton, conservation expert Sven Habermann uncovers the history of the renowned Antarctic explorer.
True to their name, Slave to Sirens — the first and only all-woman thrash metal band in the Middle East — are utterly magnetic. Amid a backdrop of political unrest…
Stroke of Fire explores athletes’ full and limited evolution within skiing and the pure joy that manifests from that process. The choice to enter this world is a spark, and…
Brain scientist Professor Richard Davidson sets up his mind to conduct an unusual experiment: He will teach American war veterans and children meditation and yoga. Can veterans through meditation and…
Sometimes it comes in the form of a photograph, a chance encounter on a chairlift, or a glimpse at a mountain never seen before. When combined with motivation, the spark…
“Plastic Paradise” is an independent documentary film that chronicles Angela Sun’s personal journey of discovery to one of the most remote places on Earth, Midway Atoll, to uncover the truth…
PhoeniXXX is the story of two women, who had to reinvent and recalibrate themselves for others in order to escape poverty and reach their goals. In the end, both seem…
Secret internal documents reveal how Catholic Church officials protect priests accused of pedophilia and sexual abuse by moving them from country to country, sometimes as far away as Africa. Even…
Take a stroll down Sesame Street and witness the birth of the most influential children’s show in television history. From the iconic furry characters to the classic songs you know…
“Between Musk and Mars” provides an intimate look at the holdouts who refuse to leave the isolated village and the tactics SpaceX has been using to get them out of…