Summerland is an American drama television series created by Stephen Tolkin and Lori Loughlin. It is centered on a clothing designer in her 30s, Ava Gregory, raising her niece and nephews after their parents die in a tragic accident. They live in Summerland, California with three of Ava’s friends who also help raise the kids.
Summerland premiered on June 1, 2004 on the defunct television network The WB. The series ran for a total of 26 episodes over two seasons. Its cancellation was announced on May 15, 2005 and the last episode aired on July 18, 2005. A soundtrack was released on March 19, 2005 and the show has been syndicated in many countries.
Entertainment One announced The Complete series on DVD.
Views: 195
Genre: Drama
Director: Lori Loughlin, Stephen Tolkin
Actors: Hunter Parrish, Jesse McCartney, Jonathan Slavin, Kay Panabaker, Lori Loughlin, Merrin Dungey, Nick Benson, Ryan Kwanten, Shawn Christian, Taylor Cole, Zac Efron