Burb Patrol follows the workplace adventures of Randall, an uncompromising by-the-book security guard and his partner Alex, an unmotivated slacker as the duo keeps the members of a gated suburban…
Food Network’s most ambitious and grueling culinary competition to date. Featuring 24 talented and fearless chefs who take on 24 food challenges in 24 consecutive, non-stop hours, the 24-hour competition…
Six of America’s brightest entertainers come together to compete and showcase their talents with breathtaking and unique acts – featuring skills they did not even know they had.
Following the work of America’s Customs and Border Protection agency, whose job is to defend the border and stop terrorists, drugs and illegal weapons from entering the country.
The beautiful island of Sunnanö in the Swedish archipelago is home to a popular B&B run by Anna-Lisa and her son Oskar. Anna-Lisa has summoned her daughter Jonna, an actress,…
Five teen girls deal with the supernatural fallout stemming from an innocent game of “Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board.” When the girls start dying off in the…