This period drama unfolds at the height of what became known as the War of Independence, and follows the lives of those caught up in the vicissitudes of history. A…
Despite their opposing personalities, a talented but directionless P.I. who is the black sheep of his family begrudgingly agrees to work as the in-house investigator for his overbearing mother, a…
Kevin Pacalioglu may have no money and no clue, but he can see dead people, so that’s pretty cool. Faced with a constant stream of stubborn spirits, Pac goes to…
Single mother Jane Sadler’s life is turned upside down when her young daughter goes missing in the middle of the night. And just like in the controversial police TV show…
Having left behind Seattle Grace Hospital, renowned surgeon Addison Forbes Montgomery moves to Los Angeles for sunnier weather and happier possibilities. She reunites with her friends from medical school, joining…
Famous icons overcome crises – being canceled, screwing up, falling – and rebuild careers. Their untold struggles and rises captured; stories of surviving and thriving regardless of public perception.
The Osbournes is an American reality television program featuring the domestic life of heavy metal singer Ozzy Osbourne and his family. The series premiered on MTV on March 5, 2002,…