MXC is an American comedy television program that aired on Spike TV from 2003 to 2007. It is a re-edit of footage from the Japanese game show Takeshi’s Castle which originally aired in Japan from 1986 to 1990. The re-edit created a new completely rewritten storyline, and new characters as a dub was added that centered on the game show hosts narrating the action as people tried to win points for their teams by surviving through different challenges. In the original program Takeshi’s Castle, the characters Kenny and Vic are actually a count named Takeshi and his assistant creating challenges in order to fight off an opposing military leader and his troops.

MXC was created and produced by RC Entertainment, Inc. in Los Angeles, California, and is the property of both Tokyo Broadcasting System and RC Entertainment. The special episode Almost Live is the property of Viacom International, which was filmed in the United States by the producers of MXC. In addition to this, MXC’s distributor is Magnolia Home Entertainment.

For the first two seasons, MXC was an initialism for the show’s former title: Most Extreme Elimination Challenge. Early commercials in 2003 promoted the show as just Most Extreme Elimination with the initials MXE.

TV Status: Ended

Duration: 30 min


TMDb: 6.9

Country: ,
